Nursing > Questions and Answers > Chapter 33: The Urinary System : Medical-Surgical Nursing

Chapter 33: The Urinary System : Medical-Surgical Nursing

1. An 85-year-old patient who has been NPO since midnight last night for diagnostic testing just completed the procedure. Which intervention is most important? a. Inform the patient about the test results. b. Obtain the patient’s weight for comparison to the morning value. c. Turn the patient ... every 2 hours. d. Offer 4 ounces of water or juice every hour. 2. The nurse cautions the diabetic patient that diabetes affects the blood flow through the kidney. Which statement indicates that the patient understands the nurse’s teaching? a. “Long-term high blood sugars provide an environment for bacteria to grow, which can damage my kidneys.” b. “Diabetes causes changes to blood vessels, which impacts blood flow to my kidneys.” c. “Diabetes causes an immune response and exposes my kidneys to antibody complexes.” d. “Long-term insulin use leads to scarring on the kidneys.” 3. The nurse explains that when the kidney suffers an autoimmune inflammatory reaction, the glomeruli lose their ability to function effectively. The nurse is describing the etiology of which problem? a. Glomerulonephritis b. Renal calculi c. Hydronephrosis d. Acute pyelonephritis 4. The nurse is caring for a confused patient who requires bladder training. Which component of the bladder training program can the nurse safely delegate to the nursing assistant? a. Teaching the patient about a voiding diary b. Creating a schedule for voiding c. Creating a schedule for fluids d. Recording instances of linen changes and fluids offered 5. When the patient asks why he has so many urinary tract infections (UTIs), the nurse informs the patient that his recurrent UTIs most likely result from which causative factor? a. Bacteria that colonize in the kidney b. Viral infections generating debris in the bladder c. Carelessness in handwashing d. Spicy foods irritating the bladder wall [Show More]

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